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Posted by Ezeudoye Samuel on November 28, 2017


“President! President!! President!!! She screamed at the top of her voice. She needed to discuss some issues troubling her with her school fellowship president. She was sure everything will work out as soon as she discuss with him. She ran towards his direction and never stopped calling on him.

Solomon heard someone calling him from afar, he stopped and looked back. With the look on the face of the sister calling him, he was sure everything wasn’t okay with her.. She caught up with him,she was panting and sweating.

“Good evening sir, I am sorry for disturbing you sir, I just have some issues I need to discuss with you sir. Oh! My name is Aderayo sir, yes I know you don’t know me, I am just a member of the fellowship.”

“Okay, sister Aderayo, well, you are not disturbing me, its my duty to listen to every member of the fellowship. What is the matter? Is it a discussion we can go through while standing? Solomon asked.

“No sir, its quite long. I know its late already, it is almost 6pm, but sir I won’t have rest until I say it out”. Aderayo replied almost in tears.

Solomon thought for a while and said. “Alright then, let’s sit over there (pointing to alog of wood not far off)…. “I am all ears sister Aderayo”

“I will try to make it snappy sir”, she replied,trying her best to compose herself. Aderayo narrated how she had always being molested by her step father ever since her mother got married to him when she was just age 12. She explained how she was forced to take an oath never to tell anyone.

Aderayo lost all the courage she had and kept the molestation a secret, now as an undergraduate, she has been finding it difficult to avoid s£x, she is never okay until she meets with a guy at least four times a week. She became addicted to it that she self-serviced herself when there is no guy in view. She found it more difficult to stick to a guy because she is never satisfied…. Aderayo ended her story amidst tears and asked for a way out.. She needed to be free….

Solomon listened to all her story without interruption, as the fellowship president, he had heard a lot of strange stories, he is always there to help them overcome their problems.

“Hmmm, I am so sorry for all you’ve passed through sister Aderayo, don’t worry,since you’ve come unto God to ask for a way out,He will definitely help you. The first step is,you need to become more dedicated to God’s work. I will want you to always attend the fellowship,during the week and sundays too.. Make sure you answer the altar call next sunday.. Join a work force and leave everything to God”. He paused and then continued, “the Lord will see you through, let us pray….









“Wow! Sister Aderayo,I am so happy with your activities in the house of God, I am extra sure God is happy with you as well,just keep up the good work. The song you took today was really powerful,and everyone was touched. I felt the presence of God in our midst as you sang”. Solomon praised with all smiles.

“Thank you sir,all glory belongs to God,and I am very grateful for all your assistance,may God reward you”. Aderayo replied,joy written all over her face.

“All thanks to God sister, just keep holding unto Him alone. He will surprise you abundantly”. Solomon added.








“Who is that? I am coming! Solomon half shouted as he heard a knock at the door of his a room self contain on a cool evening… “Ha! Sister Aderayo, how are you doing? Please come in, I hope all is well?”

“All is well sir, I just brought you some food sir,and to assist with some chores”.

“Food! Wow, that’s so thoughtful of you, thank you. But there are no chores left. I have done them all in the morning, thanks for the kind gesture”. Solomon replied.

“Okay then,just take the food, I will come for the plate tomorrow”. Aderayo responded and left before he could decline.








“Sister Aderayo, thanks for coming, you’ve been bringing me food for the past one week, I am suddenly becoming lazy to cook these days. Thanks for assisting with my chores as well.”

“It’s nothing sir, I jst chose to, its my own way of appreciating you”.

*her days were numbered, and she knew this was the last chance she has to complete her assignment. Her charms were enough to make a man fall,but Solomon is just so stubborn and full of the spirit. But then,she must fulfill her mission… Aderayo drew closer to him, held his gaze and pushed him to the single bed in his room. Yes! This was it.

Solomon lost control of his body as he felt warmth on his lips…







“God! What have I done??? Why am I so stupid??? Ha father I am sorry… Ha!!! God!!! Why????? Why me God??? Why do I have to fall O Lord???? Solomon wept as he recalled all that happened ten minutes ago. He can’t believe he just had s£x with Aderayo. What was he thinking? She left immediately after the incident, leaving him more troubled… How would he face her in church???







It’s been two weeks and he had not seen her around, both in church and outside. He forgot the incident and continued in the Lord. He won more souls and everyone looked up to him. He was filled with fire…






“Doctor! Please will he be alright? He keeps loosing blood..the more blood he takes, the more he looses. Doctor I am scared”. Solomon’s mother cried as she watched her only son turn into a living skeleton before her. After being brought home from school, he was yet to improve.

“Madam, he will…. *he was cut short by Solomon’s fast and heavy breathing…before he could stabilize him, Solomon breathed his last.





*The news. Of Solomon’s death spread all around the campus like wild fire, everyone wept for the gone hero…Lots of good words were said about him, everyone believed he went to heaven, that was the only consolation they had. The school fellowship pillar has gone*.







“Where am I? Why is everywhere so dark? What’s happening? What am I doing here? Somebody answer me!!!!!!!

*there was sudden lightness, and he saw a man in white..sitting on a bright shining throne*




“So-lo-mon! So-lo-mon!! So-lo-mon!!! Why did you forsake me? Why did you allow yourself to be tempted? Why did you allow the devil to mock you? Why did you forget all my teachings! Why have you sinned against the Holy Spirit?

“Ha! Father! I served you all my life. I won souls to your kingdom. I never departed from your words. I was a light to all. I preached the gospel everywhere and anywhere. I was a force to reckon with. I healed the sick in your name. The dead came to life .. Father,how have I forsaken you?

“Solomon, yes you did all these in my name, and heaven rejoices over every soul you won. But you gave yourself to sin. You committed fornication,and all you did was to cry. You never confessed your sins before me or men. You forgot about it all. You stood on my altar with your sinful body. You saw temptation coming and you didn’t flee….. Aderayo was only sent to destroy your ministry, because you have caused havoc in her kingdom… Don’t you know the devil is always around, waiting for the perfect time to strike?. He waits for the fall of men like you, who are threats to his kingdom. He is always alert for loopholes, and you gave it to him.

“Aderayo took time to get into you, and you allowed her. She destroyed you by the covenant you had with her.. Or have you forgotten every intercourse is a covenant? If only you had confessed all and repented fully….. Solomon…..

“But Father! You saw it all! I cried! I regretted it,why should I confess again? You were there! God! It was just once.. I never did it again!

“Yes! I saw it all,but all I wanted was your confession, you kept it all to yourself.. It was once,but that was all the devil needed to nail you. Solomon! You have sinned against the Holy throne…and you have committed all sins,for if you defile one commandment,you have defiled all…. Go away before me you sinner! I do not know you….

*immediately, Solomon saw beasts coming to get him,he was being dragged into the lake of fire. He cried the more and begged God for forgiveness. “Father! Save me!!! Have mercy on me!!! I am sorry! I never knew there was more!! I served you all my life! I won souls for you… Help meee!!!!!!!








No!!!! Solomon screamed and sprang up from the chair he was relaxing in the office assigned to him as the fellowship president… He was sweating…

“President, I hope all is well? it was the general secretary, Moses.

“Yes,all is well, replied Solomon.. (He can’t believe it was all a dream)

“Okay sir, someone is here to see you sir, she said her name is Aderayo, and she said it is very urgent. Replied Moses.

Solomon looked at him with eyes wide open and screamed… “What????!!!!!!









The End

Note: Heaven is real.. And so is hell.. Depart from sins… You might not have a second chance.. It doesn’t exclude me too… I am sure God wants somebody to read this… Thanks.

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